Girl Scout Pastries and Supporting Trans Youth: Awesome Combo

✨ Girl Scout Cookies…but make them Pastries ✨

We are so excited about these pastries—and not just because they taste like some of the best (in our opinion) Girl Scout Cookie flavors. [wait’ll you try the THIN MINT CROISSANT]

Proceeds from these specific pastries will be used to buy cookies from the storefronts of trans and non-binary Girl Scouts across the US. From there, the cookies will be donated to organizations within each troop’s community. 

Please consider purchasing your own personal cookies from these girls scouts as well (found via Them Magazine). You can find the storefronts of these girls’ pages here:

These scouts have found loving and accepting communities that will build them up and celebrate them for *who they are,* not for what people who have never met a trans person assume them to be.

As a trans person, I would have love to have had a community like this growing up. So let’s all celebrate these scouts and their troops. Best part…we get to celebrate with delicious pastries and cookies.

-Rian + Team Little Loaf


One Year of Little Loaf!


Artist Series: Emmanuel Ofori